Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 8 post 19

Well, I guess the doc. from Zoho was not formated right. But I was in Zoho and I now have an account. Looks great(until now). All for now.

hello.....Zoho Writer

Week 8 Post 19


I have just signed into Zoho Writer. I have an account. cool

This is great. I am in Zoho writer right now. I will have to play with this. All for now

Monday, October 29, 2007

Week 8 post 18

I like to look at all the pictures on Dogster and Catster. The animals are all so cute! The tour on Facebook was interesting. I also looked at Myspace, Myopera, Infield Parking, Ning, and Linkedin. All fun sites, full of interesting people and things to do. Knowing of all these sites is good but I am not interested in them for me. I still like to see a face or hear a voice when I am visiting with people . I know I am old fashion. I also know that if you are going to be networking these days, for fun or business, all these sites have good information. All for now.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 7 post 17

Technology is great. We can now do so many more things because of it. But it all changes so fast. I will learn something new. Come back to it in a week or two. It has changed. I have to learn it all over again. I do enjoy change most of the time, but does it have to change so fast?Adopting new ways of working can be fun most of the time. And I do think the more we(libraries) keep current with technology, the stronger the library system will be.
All for now!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 7 post 16

I now have a login for ihcpl wiki. And I have added my blog to the favorite blogs page.

The most interesting facts about a wiki account is that it can be changed or updated by anyone out there in the internet world. This is a good and bad feature. If the wiki is for a group project, updating, communicating and discussing the project is easy for each person in the group. If the wiki is about one subject, with facts on the subject, the question is, who is the person writing the wiki and are all the facts true or not. This could be a big problem in the long run for people who might not know this. But if a group of people on a committee, working together, a wiki would be a great way to communicate with each member within the group. All for now!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 6 post 15

I have read A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto, Librarianship, and the article on Library 2.0 with great references. This is all new to me. I have not heard of library 2.0 before this. Some new ideas for me and some old ones.

With Library 2.0 library services are constantly updated and reevaluated to best serve library users. This is from Library 2.0. This is an old idea to me. All the Library systems I have worked for in the past (and now) have always worked very hard to be current with technology, resources, etc. Money has always been a problem. And I think money will always be a problem. New technology and resources can be a great expense. And the question is how up-to-date can we(HCPL) go.

The key principles of Library 2.0 are not just about access to books and information. It is about innovation, about people, and about community building, enabled through the participation that social computing brings. This is also from Libraray 2.0. Social Computing is a new term for me. At this time I do not understand this term . I will have to read more about.

What I do understand about Library2.0 is that libraries should be in constant motion. Always looking for the newest resources out in the world. And open to new ways of doing things and servicing the public.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 6 post 14

Got into Technorati. Sooo Much information!! I did a search by Blog Post on learning 2.0 and I got 127 hits. With Blog Directory, I got 311 hits on the same search. The hits with Blog Directory was more on the business of learning 2.0. While with Blog Post, chatting about learning 2.0 was more on the fun side. I also looked at adding a link to my bookmark toolbar for Technorati. I decided not to do it. And I am afraid of a little code you can configure for automatic pinging. I will not be doing ping. I also looked at the most popular Blogs. Again so much information. I could be looking at blogs all day. All for now!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 6 post 13 second posting

Well, I got into Del.icio.us tutorial. The tutorial is alittle weak, you can not see what the speaker is talking about. But this is a great resource. I have found the comments and tags. Great way to share information. All for now!

Week 6 Post 13

I have got into the Del.icio.us tutorial and it will play for 32 seconds and then start all over again. I have done this 6 times in the last 15 minutes. I have also looked at the website Del.icio.us, Several habits and us.ef.ul. I do not have an account but in the past I have looked at and used the HCPL Account for somethings. Tonight I will look at the tutorial again and see if I can watch it. All for now!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 5 post 12

I have registered for Library Elf today. From what I can see, the muliple card checking feature would be great for families with lots of library cards. This feature would be very helpful for a busy family on the go. For me, (one person) what HCPL does is just fine. All for now!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 5 Post 11

Here is my link to Libray Thing. I have a list of 5 books. Very helpful site. I am thinking I can use this site with my list of displays and the items that are on display. All for now!

Monday, October 8, 2007


Week 5 post 10

Picture of my meez is above. Had fun doing this. Could have done this for hours and hours. I think Meez and Yahoo, Avatars are the same thing. Also Customize Comic Strips is fun. All for now!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week 4 post 9

I have checked out all the site ihcpl listed for bloglines. Very interesting!! I could read about any subject under the sun if I wanted too. I liked the feeds for weather, travel, news and libraries. This sounds very boring but this is what I find interesting. I loved the title of one feed, Peek @ Rare Books. I enjoyed this feed. All for now!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 4 Post 8

Well, I now have a blog and bloglines. I am learning alot but I do not have time to enjoy all this. I have to rush to get the lessons done. Oh well, I do like knowing what is out there in tech land. I have 15 feeds now. Garden's Gift, NYT Book Review, Bloglines/News, BBC News, About Literature: Contemporary and Home & Gardners TV are just some of the ones I have subscribed too. All for now.