Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 10 post 23

10 weeks have gone by fast! And I have learned alot of new, interesting and fun things. From Internet Safety to blobbing, making a meeze, learning about, Zoho, and YouTube. And much more. All of this has been new to me. Can I do it again. Well, maybe, after I review my notes. But I now know all this is out there in computer space ( and much, much more) What was the best. Having my own blog, and bloglines. Making a meeze was great fun. I hope to get back on Zoho and learn more about it. Learning about mashups, Library Thing and Elf was good too.

What was hard about iHCPL was finding the time to work on it. ( and I thought this would not be a problem but it was) One lesson a week would have been more my speed. But when I had to work on 3 lessons a week, it was a problem. I had a hard time finding 2 to 3 hours extra at work a week to get the lessons done. Overall it was a good program. Learned alot of interesting things. All for now!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Week 9 post 22

Downloadable Media
I looked at Librivox and WOWIO. Librivox deals with audiobooks that are in Public Domain. Volunteers read the books. Lots of classics in Librivox. And you can get an RSS link. I Watched the Help with WOWIO tour. I did not know sites like Librivox and WOWIO were out there on the web.

HCPL's digital media site is full of so many new, interesting, and fun items. I watched the Digital Media Guide Tour. I found many things I was interested in. "The Good Cookie:.....", "Quick Family Meals in No Time" and "Your Planet or Mine" are some of the items I liked. You do have to install and upgrade some files. I guess this is the same for all downloadable media sites. All for now.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week 9 post 21

Podcast. One more way to communicate with a group of people. You can put your information out there in computer space and anyone can listen or watch it. I do not understand who has time to listen to all of this INFORMATION!?! I know you can pick around and listen to just what might interest you. But just finding information on one subject takes time. I RSS to Kankalee Public Library Podcast. I listen to some of the information they were passing on. But I got bored. Again you have to be careful with the information, is it correct or not, who is really the source, and is the information timely.

Just like YouTube, a company can put out information about the company or new services and let people discover it on Podcast. All for now.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Week 9 post 20

YouTube is very entertaining. You can watch little videos all day long. You can find videos on anything!! I can see HCPL doing a little video to show the public something about a new service. I saw videos on cats, dogs, christmas, and my most favorite is the singing mom. She is singing about all the words or phrases she tells her kids all day long. It is a great little video. All for now.