Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Facebook #55

1. I have a Facebook Account.

2. I have searched and have found old friends from HS and College. And cousins, a niece and nephew.

3. I have poked, superpoked, send flowers, passed a drink and more. I was surprised to see all the different applications you could use and send.

4. 10 Privacy settings every Facebook user should know is a must read. I learned alot from that reading. Facebook should have this information on the first page of its site.

A person could be on Facebook all day. I would get very bored. I still like to see and hear my family and friends. Plus Facebook is so slow. I go into Facebook one or two times a day. Stay logged into it for 10-20 minutes. I do not really have a favorite application. What I discovered was how many applications there are, over 10 pages. Who has time to do it all?? Who would want to do it all? All for now.

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