Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 7 post 17

Technology is great. We can now do so many more things because of it. But it all changes so fast. I will learn something new. Come back to it in a week or two. It has changed. I have to learn it all over again. I do enjoy change most of the time, but does it have to change so fast?Adopting new ways of working can be fun most of the time. And I do think the more we(libraries) keep current with technology, the stronger the library system will be.
All for now!


whiterabbit said...

I know what you mean, the technology is changing fast. Buy a new computer and in 6 months its outdated and needs to updated. But if the technology needn't change, then we might still be usng hand copied books and candles. Would that be fun?? I don't know about you but my Latin is very bad. :)

mariaf said...

I agree technology is great.