Monday, January 4, 2010

iHCPL #75: Google and Beyond

1. I did 3 searches --1st search Bing, Google (1st and 2nd of the three tries)

2nd search Google, Bing

3rd search Google, Bing

I use Google 3 out of 4 searches.

No this will not affect how I do searches in the futre.

2. Google with 6.88 was #1

Facebook with 6.62 was #2

Yahoo Mail! with 3.75 was #3

Yahoo with 3.44 was #4

Bing with .96 was #10

Yes, I use Google first, second Bing, and third Ask.

3. Google. I found lots of new features I hope to use, they are

-Time and date for cities around the world

-Information on recent earthquakes

-Public Data: trends for population and unemployment rates of US States and counties

-People profiles

-Synonym search

-Currency Conversion

-Fill in the Blank Patent number

-Area Codes

-SafeSearch Filtering

And so much more.

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